Jerry Robeson

Drs. Jerry (1938–1999) and Carol Robeson were missionaries to Latin America for twenty years. They ministered in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Jamaica, Mexico, and Chile. They specialized in open-air crusades that were held every night in an area of the city where a new church was needed. One crusade church in Costa Rica, for example, has more than ten thousand people in attendance. The Robesons maintained an active television and radio ministry. They produced and directed more than twelve hundred Christian television programs in Latin America and the United States, and many hundreds of radio broadcasts. They also appeared as guests on television programs all over the United States. Jerry and Carol graduated from Northwest College in Kirkland, Washington, and Vision International University in San Diego, California, where they each earned a Ph.D. in Theology in 1996. Jerry died September 18, 1999, leaving his wife, Carol, with two married daughters and four grandchildren. Until 1999, the Robesons were both very active in teaching seminars in the United States and Latin America. Carol continues on with this ministry of seminars and retreats. Carol is the owner of Shiloh Publishing House, located in Keizer, Oregon. She has authored God's Royal Road to Success; Mighty Warriors, Jr. Activity and Coloring Book; and Dynamic Faith of the Believer. With her husband she coauthored Strongman's His Name, What's His Game? and Strongman's His Name...II.

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