Don Piper is a 15-year veteran of the Radio and Television broadcasting industry, an
ordained minister for more than 33 years, a coauthor of 4 books that have sold more
than 9 million copies. (90 Minutes in Heaven spent 4 years on the New York Times
bestsellers list.), the winner of the 2006 EPCA Platinum Award and the first-ever
recipient the Retailers Choice Backlist Award in 2009. Don was the subject of a 2015
theatrical motion picture based on his bestselling book 90 Minutes in Heaven by
Giving Films/Universal Studios Home Entertainment, a columnist for various
newspapers, a sought-after contributor to a myriad of books, composing chapters,
forewords, and prefaces, an on-camera and voice-over talent, with hundreds of radio
and TV commercials to his credit.
Cecil Murphey has published 140 books, fiction and nonfiction. Murphey has received
many awards for his writing, including: Golden Medallion, Foreword Bronze, Silver
Angel Award twice, three-time winner of the Dixie Counsel of Authors and Journalists,
Extraordinary Service Award from the American Society of Authors and Journalists,
and Lifetime Achievement Award from the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association
for his contributions to publishing
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