Degrees Of Kelvin
Good News For The Galaxy...And Beyond!

Product Description

This popular graphic novel (originally featured in Clubhouse magazine) entertains kids while helping them understand the importance of sharing their faith with others. Through this exciting and engaging story, kids will gain the confidence and skills they need to tell others about the love of Jesus.The story is a sci-fi parallel to the book of Acts and helps kids answer these common questions:“I’m a good person, why do I need God?”“I believe in a God, why do I need Jesus?”Kelvin has lived his entire life in space on a mining platform near the star Gliese 433, where his parents are engineers. During an outbreak of Centpowkian flu, ships from nearby colonies descend on Kelvin’s home—bringing Laney and an alien named Nixblatt. Kelvin protects Nixblatt, helps him heal from an injury, and tells him about Jesus. Nixblatt then invites Kelvin and Laney to come to his world to tell his people about Jesus.
Product Specifics
Item ID: 731334
ISBN-10: 1646070062
ISBN-13: 9781646070060
Speedy: 159627
Publication Date: Jun 9, 2020
# of Pages: 80
Format: Trade Paper
Language: ENG

About Focus On The Family

David Herzog and his wife Stephanie are graduates of Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas. He is a missionary evangelist to the nations and has personally ministered throughout the United States, Europe, Africa, Israel and other parts of the world with great signs and wonders following. He ministers in crusades, conferences, church revivals, and on Christian television, but also on a one-on-one basis to hungry hearts wherever he finds them. Recently God has been displaying a new and unusual glory through his life, and this has resulted in an even greater harvest of souls.
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