Harp and Bowl Handbook
: A Practical Guide to Sustaining Enjoyable Prayer Meetings
By Mike Bickle
Product Description
Harp & Bowl Handbook provides direction for prayer rooms and the musicians, singers, and intercessors who staff them. This practical guide from the International House of Prayer of Kansas City is based on over twenty years' experience in corporate 24/7 prayer.
The Bible calls us to a lifestyle of prayer, and the longing to be faithful to this calling is sweeping the global church. Prayer rooms are springing up everywhere, from large missions organizations to small local churches and school campuses. Believers need practical tools to help us sustain joyful, corporate prayer meetings. We have been inspired by the example of prayer with worship found in Revelation 5:8, where the elders around God's throne hold two things: harps and bowls full of the saints' prayers.
What we refer to as the harp and bowl model is a scriptural, God-focused, dynamic structure that facilitates the flow of sustained, enjoyable prayer. Harp & Bowl Handbook includes the mechanics and principles of our application of the harp and bowl model, key apostolic prayers from the New Testament, a brief history of night-and-day prayer, a biblical overview of the end-time prayer movement, and a look at intercessory missionaries in the biblical timeline.
Product Specifics
Item ID:
Publication Date:
Sep 14, 2020
# of Pages:
Trade Paper