Instruments In The Redeemer’s Hands
People In Need Of Change Helping People In Need Of Change

Product Description

"People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change" Intruments in the Redeemer's Hands is a comprehensive treatment in the lives of others, people who themselves are in need of change. In many ways, the church today has more consumers than committed participants. We see church merely as an event we attend or an organization we belong to, rather than as a calling that shapes our entire life. The author explains how his work follows an "all of my people, all of the time model." If you followed the Lord for a thousand years, you would still need the ministry of the body of Christ as much as you did the day you first believed. This need will remain until our sanctification is complete in Glory.
Product Specifics
Item ID: 49897
ISBN-10: 0875526071
ISBN-13: 9780875526072
Speedy: 006071
Publication Date: Dec 1, 2002
Format: Trade Paper
Language: ENG

About Paul David Tripp

Paul David Tripp (Dr. en Ministerio, Seminario Teol�gico Westminster) es pastor, autor y conferencista internacional. Es el presidente del Ministerio Paul Tripp. Ha escrito diversos libros sobre vida cristiana, incluyendo �Qu� estabas esperando?, El llamamiento peligroso, La crianza de los hijos y Nuevas misericordias cada ma�ana. Vive en Filadelfia junto a su esposa Luella y tienen cuatro hijos adultos. Para m�s informaci�n y recursos, visite la p�gina Paul David Tripp (DMin, Westminster Theological Seminary) is a pastor, author, and international conference speaker. He is also the president of Paul Tripp Ministries. He has written a number of popular books on Christian living, including What Did You Expect?, Dangerous Calling, Parenting, and New Morning Mercies. He lives in Philadelphia with his wife Luella and they have four grown children. For more information and resources, visit

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