Irresistible Husband
The Strength of Fully Expressed Manhood

Product Description

Embraced by Christian Leaders Everywhere! Every man should know what his father failed to teach him, what women couldn't tell him, and what his pastor wanted to say…but only behind closed doors. This honest, no-nonsense book by Edwin Louis Cole provides an invaluable guide to launch a new generation of family leaders...with profound truths about sex, commitment, communication, career, child-rearing, and more. Find out... The formula for life success How to avoid outside forces conquering you Turning the tide on fatherlessness Building character step-by-step Ten investments to maintain a great marriage How important is this book? "You may think marriage is about money and sex instead of character and culture. Not so. The family is the microcosm of society. Save the family and you'll save the nation. But it starts with you as a man. Here's how." —Edwin Louis Cole
Product Specifics
Item ID: 486849
ISBN-10: 1938629051
ISBN-13: 9781938629051
Speedy: 770095
Publication Date: May 13, 2014
# of Pages: 192
Format: Trade Paper
Language: ENG

About Edwin Cole

Dr. Edwin Louis Cole (1922-2002), known as "the father of the Christian men's movement," was called by God to speak with a prophetic voice to the men of this generation. To that end, he founded the Christian Men's Network, a ministry that continues to strengthen men by reaching thousands each month with the reality that manhood and Christlikeness are synonymous. As a pastor, evangelist, missionary, business executive, and denominational leader, Dr. Cole, together with his late wife, Nancy, served the Lord in ministry for more than fifty years until his death in 2002. Over four million copies of his books are in circulation today in more than forty languages, and his work and vision are still carried on by his "sons" in the faith--godly men who were touched by Dr. Cole's ministry. El Dr. Edwin Louis Cole (1922-2002), conocido como "el padre del Movimiento de Hombres Cristianos", fue llamado por Dios para hablar con una voz prof�tica a los hombres de su generaci�n. Hacia ese fin, fund� la Red de Hombres Cristianos, un ministerio que se especializa en los hombres y comunica la realidad de que la verdadera hombr�a y la semejanza a Cristo son sin�nimos. Pastor, evangelista, misionero, ejecutivo de negocios y l�der denominacional, el Dr. Cole y su esposa, Nancy, sirvieron juntos al Se�or por m�s de cincuenta a�os. M�s de cuatro millones de ejemplares de sus libros est�n en circulaci�n en m�s de cuarenta idiomas, incluido su �xito de ventas Hombr�a al M�ximo. Desde su reciente muerte, su legado y su visi�n est�n siendo continuados por sus "hijos" en la fe contin�an su legado y su visi�n alcanzando a millones de hombres en el mundo, v�a libros, videos y otros medios.

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