Multiply: Disciple Making For Ordinary People
Disciple Making For Ordinary People

Product Description

Jesus Christ handpicked common, uneducated men to build His church (Acts 4:13). Several were fishermen. One was a tax collector. All of them could be labeled “ordinary.” Yet under their leadership, the church flourished while the world stood amazed. Today, the church looks to “trained professionals” to do the work. Lay people who have tremendous potential are made to feel inadequate by the religious elite. Many are paralyzed, believing that they “don't know enough” to be of much help. So they sit silently in church services and watch the educated minister. This was never God's intention. Too many Christians are intimidated by the thought of speaking to others about Jesus. Most feel like they don't know enough to lead others. This material is designed to change that.
Product Specifics
Item ID: 453878
ISBN-10: 0781408237
ISBN-13: 9780781408233
Speedy: 458237
Publisher: DAVID C COOK ~
Publication Date: Oct 15, 2012
# of Pages: 224
Format: Trade Paper
Language: ENG

About Francis Chan

Francis Chan has been a pastor for over thirty years. He has authored several best-selling books including Crazy Love and Letters to the Church. He and his wife Lisa have been married for twenty-seven years and co-authored You and Me Forever. Currently, Francis and his family are pursuing ministry opportunities with the ultra-poor, church planting, and touching unreached people groups in Asia.

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