Quest 52
A Fifteen-Minute-A-Day Yearlong Pursuit Of Jesus

Product Description

The bestselling author of Core 52 presents a fifteen-minute-a-day plan to help you know and become more like Jesus over the course of a year. No individual has ever come close to the impact Jesus made in thirty-three short years. He introduced God to the world as Father, changing prayer forever. He challenged us to love our enemies, reordering the rules for social engagement. He prioritized the least and the lost, revolutionizing social justice. He introduced servant leadership, transforming politics. He demands that we examine our hearts not just our behavior, recasting ethics. There is no quarter of our modern life that has not been impacted by Jesus of Nazareth—education, science, religion, society, law, ethics, art, entertainment. If you want to know him, the authentic Jesus, if you want to absorb his influence and influence others for him, Quest 52 will guide your way. Written in Mark E. Moore’s characteristic clear, engaging style, Quest 52 is a field guide to the heart and life of Jesus. Although it takes more than a lifetime to fully follow Jesus and an eternity to become like him, you can travel a long way down the road by focusing on parts of the Gospel that can impact your understanding of the person, the power, the preaching, and the passion of Jesus. Welcome to the quest.
Product Specifics
Item ID: 764404
ISBN-10: 0593193725
ISBN-13: 9780593193723
Speedy: 21900X
Publication Date: Nov 9, 2021
Format: Trade Paper
Language: ENG

About Mark Moore

MARK E. MOORE is a teaching pastor at Christ�s Church of the Valley in Phoenix, AZ, one of the fastest growing and most dynamic churches in America. Here he leverages two decades in a college classroom teaching New Testament. His goal is to make Scriptures accessible and relevant to people trying to make sense of Christianity. His two worlds of academic Bible study and practical Christian living come together in this powerful new tool called Core 52. Author Residence: Phoenix, AZ
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