Race Religion & Racism V3
: Jesus, Christianity & Islam
By Fred Price
Product Description
A full two years before the September 11, 2001, plane crashes pulverized New York’s World Trade Center; before Osama Bin Laden’s name became a household word, and before the country ever strained to sort out the issues of Muslim aggression, Race, Religion & Racism: Jesus, Christianity and Islam by Dr. Frederick K.C. Price was on its way. Now it promises to be the book for its time. In this third volume Dr. Price discloses how some Muslim groups have painted Christianity as “the white man’s religion” and Islam as “the religion of the black man.” From its position of being more tolerant of Blacks, Islam has made heavy inroads into the traditionally Christian black community. Dr. Price does a consumer’s report of the two “religions.” He examines the Muslim argument that Jehovah God and Allah is really the same person and compares the teachings of Jesus with the teachings of Muhammad. He scrutinizes that Koran and the Hadith, two of Islam’s most sacred books. He also points out inconsistencies in Elijah Muhammad’s highly combative book Message to the Blackman in America and focuses on a number of controversial comments by Minister Louis Farrakhan about Jesus and the Holy Bible.
Product Specifics
Item ID:
Publication Date:
Jul 9, 2019
# of Pages:
Trade Paper
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