Redeeming Money
How God Reveals And Reorients Our Hearts

Product Description

Best–Selling Author Paul David Tripp Addresses How the Gospel Reshapes and Reorients the Christian’s Perspective on Finances Money. The thought of it can be overwhelming, and the pursuit of it can be addicting.Our society constantly promises us that money will provide what we want—success, comfort, peace, and happiness—leading our fickle hearts to trust money for things it was never intended to give us. Even if we think we know what the Bible says about money, there seems to be a gap between our theology and our everyday money struggles.In this practical and hopeful book, best-selling author Paul David Tripp shows us how to view and interact with money in a God-honoring way. Through chapters that expose the depths of our heart struggles and our need for grace, this book offers a roadmap to find peace, generosity, and joy in the world that God created.
Product Specifics
Item ID: 650176
ISBN-10: 1433556731
ISBN-13: 9781433556739
Speedy: 189996
Publication Date: May 4, 2018
# of Pages: 176
Format: Trade Paper
Language: ENG

About Paul David Tripp

Paul David Tripp (Dr. en Ministerio, Seminario Teol�gico Westminster) es pastor, autor y conferencista internacional. Es el presidente del Ministerio Paul Tripp. Ha escrito diversos libros sobre vida cristiana, incluyendo �Qu� estabas esperando?, El llamamiento peligroso, La crianza de los hijos y Nuevas misericordias cada ma�ana. Vive en Filadelfia junto a su esposa Luella y tienen cuatro hijos adultos. Para m�s informaci�n y recursos, visite la p�gina Paul David Tripp (DMin, Westminster Theological Seminary) is a pastor, author, and international conference speaker. He is also the president of Paul Tripp Ministries. He has written a number of popular books on Christian living, including What Did You Expect?, Dangerous Calling, Parenting, and New Morning Mercies. He lives in Philadelphia with his wife Luella and they have four grown children. For more information and resources, visit

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