Span-Friendship That Heals
The Power of Relationships

Product Description

Muy pocas personas disfrutan durante su vida el calor y la solidaridad de la amistad. Algunos llegan a la adultez sin haber tenido la experiencia enriquecedora de tener amigos; esas personas que nos sanan el alma porque son nuestros hombros para llorar y compañeros para celebrar. Durante una entrevista, le preguntaron a Otoniel Font qué haría diferente en su juventud si pudiera volver atrás. Él respondió que hubiera cultivado más la amistad, y comentó la importancia de tener amigos. Unos meses después, en el cumpleaños de su esposa, un amigo suyo habló emotivamente a los invitados acerca del valor de la amistad. Eso caló hondo en él. Fue el momento en que decidió escribir y compartir los grandes beneficios que nos dan las relaciones de amistad, entre otras: mayor longevidad, mejor salud, resiliencia, sentido de pertenencia y propósito, y la sanidad del corazón ante las adversidades y desilusiones de la vida. Aprende a escoger y a apreciar a tus amigos, y aprovecha las lecciones en este novedoso libro que marca una primicia en el estilo literario de Otoniel Font. Very few people enjoy the warmth and solidarity of friendship during their lives. Some reach adulthood without having the enriching experience of having friends; those people who heal our souls because they are our shoulders to cry and comrades to celebrate. During an interview, Otoniel Font was asked what he would do differently in his youth if he could go back. He replied that he would have cultivated friendship more, and commented on the importance of having friends. A few months later, on his wife's birthday, a friend of his spoke emotionally to the guests about the value of friendship. That settled deep in him. It was the moment when he decided to write and share the great benefits that friendship gives us, among others: greater longevity, better health, resilience, sense of belonging and purpose, and the healing of the heart in the face of adversities and disappointments of life. Learn to choose and to appreciate your friends, and take advantage of the lessons in this new book that marks a scoop in the literary style of Otoniel Font.  
Product Specifics
Item ID: 718722
ISBN-10: 1641233605
ISBN-13: 9781641233606
Speedy: 771086
Publication Date: Sep 3, 2019
# of Pages: 208
Format: Trade Paper
Language: SPANISH

About Otoniel Font

Otoniel Font is an international communicator who shakes and transforms the lives of those who listen. What he speaks, writes, and does has only one purpose: to decisively influence people to challenge their minds and reach new heights in their spiritual, familial, and financial lives. Being a successful businessman, he defends the knowledge as an indispensable tool to create the future. For this reason, he founded and directs the Institute for Entrepreneurial Development, which educates present and future entrepreneurs. He is the pastor of the Fountain of Living Water churches in Puerto Rico and Orlando, Florida. His message is heard through Pure Word Media, radio, Internet, and television. He is married to Pastor Omayra Font and has four daughters: Joanirie, Janaimar, Jennibelle, and Jillian. Otoniel Font es el comunicador internacional de la palabra que estremece y transforma la vida de quienes lo escuchan. Lo que habla, hace y escribe tiene un solo prop�sito: influir decisivamente en las personas para que desaf�en sus mentes y alcancen nuevas dimensiones en su vida espiritual, familiar, y financiera. Empresario exitoso, defiende el conocimiento como herramienta indispensable para crear el futuro. Por eso fund� y dirige la Academia de Internacional de Desarrollo Empresarial, donde educa a presentes y futuros empresarios. Pastor de las iglesias Fuente de Agua Viva en Puerto Rico y Orlando, Florida, su palabra se escucha a trav�s de Pura Palabra Media, radio, Internet, y televisi�n. Est� casado con la Pastora Omayra Font y tienen cuatro hijas: Joanirie, Janaimar, Jenibelle, y Jillianne.

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