Span-Kingdom Of Power How to Demonstrate It Here And Now

Product Description

Experimente el cielo en la tierra de forma tangible  El reino de Dios es…un reino sobrenatural.un reino de poder, no sólo de palabras.un reino cuya realidad se puede experimentar aquí y ahora.  Jesús dijo, “El reino de Dios está entre vosotros” (Lucas 17:21). El reino de Dios es su voluntad ejercida en la tierra como es el cielo. Él expande su influencia en este mundo, a través de la obra sobrenatural del Espíritu Santo en la vida de creyentes como usted y yo. Cuando Jesús regresó al cielo, Él activó a la iglesia para que continúe expandiendo su reino en cada generación de creyentes que está por venir. ¡Nosotros somos los vasos a través de los cuales Dios extiende su reino a nuestras comunidades y naciones! Dondequiera que el reino de Dios gobierne sobre la tierra, éste es visiblemente demostrado. Jesús manifestó el poder del reino con milagros, señales, sanidades y liberaciones tangibles. Cada vez que Él anunció las buenas noticias del reino, el pecado, la enfermedad, los demonios, la pobreza y la muerte, no pudieron permanecer. El reino es una realidad hoy —no sólo en el futuro—, y puede ser aplicado a cada circunstancia que encontremos en la vida. El reino tiene todo lo que necesitamos: justicia, sanidad, plenitud, prosperidad y gozo. En El Reino de Poder: Cómo Demostrarlo Aquí y Ahora, usted descubrirá cómo entrar al reino de Dios, recibir sus beneficios, y expandir su dominio por toda la tierra.El reino de Dios está en usted. Lo único que necesita hacer es demostrarlo ¡aquí y ahora!     Experience Heaven on Earth in a Tangible Way   The kingdom of God is... A supernatural kingdomA kingdom of power, not just words.A kingdom whose reality can be experienced here and now.Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21). God’s kingdom is His will exercised on earth as it is in heaven. It expands its influence in this world through the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers—like you and me. When Jesus returned to heaven, He activated the church to continue expanding His kingdom in each succeeding generation of believers. We are the vessels through which God extends His kingdom to our communities and nations! Wherever God’s kingdom rules on earth, it is visibly demonstrated. Jesus manifested the power of the kingdom with tangible miracles, signs, healings, and deliverances. Each time He announced the good news of the kingdom, sin, sickness, demons, poverty, and death could not remain. The kingdom is a reality today—not just in the future—and it may be applied to each circumstance we encounter in life. The kingdom has everything we need: righteousness, healing, wholeness, prosperity, and joy. In The Kingdom of Power: How to Demonstrate It Here and Now, you will discover how to enter God’s kingdom, receive its benefits, and expand its dominion throughout the earth.The kingdom of God is within you. The only thing you need to do is to demonstrate it here and now!  
Product Specifics
Item ID: 466339
ISBN-10: 1603745610
ISBN-13: 9781603745611
Speedy: 775611
UPC: 630809745613
Publication Date: Mar 19, 2013
# of Pages: 304
Format: Trade Paper
Language: SPANISH

About Guillermo Maldonado

Active in ministry for over twenty years, Apostle Guillermo Maldonado is the founder of King Jesus International Ministry�one of the fastest-growing multicultural churches in the United States�which has been recognized for its visible manifestations of God�s supernatural power. King Jesus Ministry currently has a membership of more than 25,000, including the main church in Miami, Florida, its campuses, its daughter churches, and its online church. Apostle Maldonado is also a spiritual father to 500 churches in 70 countries, which form the Supernatural Global Network, representing more than 750,000 people. In addition, he is the founder of the University of the Supernatural Ministry (USM). Apostle Maldonado has a doctorate in Christian counseling and a master�s degree in practical theology.

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