Span-Leadership Pain
The Classroom for Growth

Product Description

¿Quieres ser un mejor líder? Incrementa tu capacidad para el dolor. ¿Quieres que tu iglesia crezca o que tu negocio alcance metas más altas? La renuencia a enfrentar el dolor es tu mayor limitación. No hay crecimiento sin cambio, no hay cambio sin pérdida, y no hay pérdida sin dolor. En pocas palabras: si no te está doliendo, no estás liderando. Este libro no es un tratado teológico sobre el dolor. En El dolor del liderazgo Samuel Chand, autor de éxitos de ventas, reconocido como "el líder de líderes", nos provee un entendimiento concreto del dolor que experimentamos, para ayudarnos a interpretarlo con mayor precisión y aprender las lecciones que Dios tiene para nosotros. Chand es extremadamente honesto y altamente práctico al examinar los principios que hacen de nuestro dolor un medio para cumplir los propósitos divinos para nuestras iglesias, comunidades y nosotros. Este tesoro de liderazgo incluye:  Poderosas historias personales de algunos de los mejores líderes del mundo, como Craig Groeschel, Benny Pérez, Lisa Bevere, Mark Chironna, Dale Bronner, Phillip Wagner y Michael Pitts y muchos otros.Perspectivas reveladoras sobre el crecimiento que se produce a través del dolor en los roles de liderazgoEjercicios prácticos para ayudarte a aplicar los valiosos principios que estás aprendiendo   _ _ _  Do you want to be a better leader? Raise the threshold of your pain. Do you want your church to grow or your business to reach higher goals? Reluctance to face pain is your greatest limitation. There is no growth without change, no change without loss, and no loss without pain. Bottom line: if you're not hurting, you're not leading.But this book is not a theological treatise on pain. Rather, in Leadership Pain, Samuel Chand—best-selling author recognized as "the leader's leader"—provides a concrete, practical understanding of the pain we experience to help us interpret it more accurately and learn the lessons God has in it for us.Chand is ruthlessly honest and highly practical as he examines the principles and practices that make our pain a means of fulfilling God's divine purposes for our churches, communities, and families. Included in this leadership treasure trove:POWERFUL personal stories from some of the greatest leaders in the world, such as Craig Groeschel, Benny Perez, Mike Kai, Lisa Bevere, Mark Chironna, Dale Bronner, Philip Wagner, Michael Pitts, and numerous others.REVEALING INSIGHTS into the growth that occurs through pain in leadership roles.PRACTICAL EXERCISES to help you apply the valuable principles you are learning.
Product Specifics
Item ID: 729494
ISBN-10: 164123475X
ISBN-13: 9781641234757
Speedy: 771179
Publication Date: Feb 18, 2020
# of Pages: 240
Format: Trade Paper
Language: SPANISH

About Samuel Chand

Leader among leaders, thousands of pastors and leaders have credited Dr. Samuel Chand for their transformation from common leadership to extraordinary leadership. He is one of the Top-30 Leadership Gurus. His singular vision for life is to help others succeed. He serves pastors, ministries, and businesses as a Leadership Architect, Change Strategist, and Dream Releaser. He conducts national and international leadership conferences, consultations, executive forums, and other leadership development events, along with his one-to-one leadership coaching. Leaders and pastors worldwide are using Dr. Chand�s works as handbooks. Some of his books are 8 Pasos para Alcanzar Tu Destino, �Qui�n Sostiene tu Escalera?, �Qu� Mueve tu Escalera?, Leadership Pain, Cracking Your Church�s Culture Code, Futuring, Who Moved Your Ladder?, Ladder Focus, Planning Your Succession, Failure: The Womb of Success, and Weathering the Storm. Dr. Chand has an honorary PhD from Beulah Heights University; a PhD in Divinity from Heritage Bible College; a MA degree in Biblical Counseling from Grace Theological Seminary, and a BA in Biblical Education from Beulah Heights University. He shares his life with his wife, Brenda; their daughters, Rachel and Deborah; their son-in-law, Zack; and their grandchildren, Adeline and Rose.. Miles de l�deres atribuyen al Dr. Samuel Chand su transformaci�n desde el liderazgo com�n al liderazgo de �xito extraordinario. Figura entre los treinta gur�s de liderazgo m�s influyentes del mundo, y profesa una gran pasi�n: mentorear, desarrollar e inspirar a l�deres a exceder todos los l�mites, tanto en la Iglesia, como en las empresas. Su visi�n personal es �ayudar a otros a tener �xito�. Se le reconoce como Arquitecto de Liderazgo, Estratega del Cambio y Liberador de Sue�os, y difunde sus conocimientos no solo como orador y mentor personal, sino con una gran variedad de recursos que cruzan fronteras. L�deres en todo el mundo usan los libros del Dr. Chand como textos de desarrollo del liderazgo. Sus libros incluyen 8 Pasos para Alcanzar Tu Destino, �Qui�n Sostiene tu Escalera?, y �Qu� Mueve tu Escalera? en espa�ol; en ingl�s, Leadership Pain, Cracking Your Church�s Culture Code, Futuring, Who Moved Your Ladder?, Ladder Focus, Planning Your Succession, Failure: The Womb of Success, y Weathering the Storm. El Dr. Chand posee un doctorado honorario en Letras y Humanidades de la Universidad Beulah Heights; un doctorado honorario en Divinidad de Heritage Bible College; una Maestr�a en Artes en Consejer�a B�blica de Grace Theological Seminary; y un Bachillerato en Artes en Educaci�n B�blica de la Universidad Beulah Heights. Comparte su vida con su esposa, Brenda; sus hijas, Rachel y Deborah; su yerno, Zack; y sus nietas, Adeline y Rose.
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