Span-Love Wounds

Product Description

Tómate un momento para apreciar lo increíble que eres. Si no logras ver lo que vales es probable que te juntes con quien tampoco sepa verlo. Con esta oración inicia el autor Heridas de amor, un libro diferente entre las narrativas de José Luis Navajo, que sacudirá cada corazón, sobre todo los de aquellos que han sufrido el engaño, la traición y el maltrato despiadado de quienes amaron. ¿Cómo se levantan de ahí? ¿Cómo vuelven a creer? El autor comparte con valor un episodio muy doloroso de su vida familiar, mientras enfrenta al lector con las raíces de situaciones similares y el proceso de sanidad y restauración.-----Take a moment to appreciate how amazing you are. If you can't see your worth, it's likely that you'll hang out with someone who doesn't know how to see it either. With this sentence, the author begins Heridas de Amor, a different book among the narratives of José Luis Navajo, which will shake every heart, especially those who have suffered deceit, betrayal, and ruthless mistreatment of those they loved. How do they get up from there? How do they believe again? The author courageously shares a very painful episode from his family life as he confronts the reader with the roots of similar situations and begins the process of healing and restoration.
Product Specifics
Item ID: 903394
ISBN-13: 9798887690230
Speedy: 312851
Publication Date: May 30, 2023
# of Pages: 224
Format: Trade Paper
Language: ENG

About Jose Luis Navajo

Comenz� a ejercer funciones pastorales a los 17 a�os de edad. En la actualidad forma parte del cuerpo pastoral de la Iglesia Buen Pastor, en Madrid, y compagina esas funciones con un ministerio interdenominacional mediante el cual imparte conferencias y ministra en los �mbitos nacional e internacional. Es profesor en el Seminario B�blico de Fe, y escritor con diecisiete libros publicados por diversos sellos editoriales. Jos� Luis y su esposa, Gene, llevan 34 a�os casados, y tienen dos hijas: Querit y Miriam, y tres nietos: Emma, Ethan y Oliver. Jos� Luis Navajo started serving as pastor when he was seventeen years old. At present he is one of the pastors for Iglesia Buen Pastor in Madrid. Through his interdenominational ministry, he is a worldwide lecturer and preacher. He is professor at the Seminario B�blico de Fe, and a distinguished author who has published seventeen books through several leading publishing houses. Jos� Luis and his wife, Gene, have been married for thirty-four years. They have two daughters: Querit and Miriam; and three grandchildren: Emma, Ethan, and Oliver.
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