Span-Overcoming When You Feel Overwhelmed
5 pasos para sobrevivir al caos de la vida

Product Description

Es hora de abordar las cosas que intentan invadir tu vida. ¿Te sientes atrapado en un lío? ¿Te preguntas cómo llegaste a este lugar y tratas de darle sentido a todo? ¡No te rindas! Cómo superar el sentirte abrumado, el pastor y autor más vendido del New York Times, Jentezen Franklin, ofrece cinco pasos vitales para ayudarte a levantarse, salir y liberarse, y caminar hacia el destino que Dios ha preparado para usted.Jentezen abre el telón sobre las tácticas del enemigo para obstaculizar su crecimiento espiritual, distraer su atención y evitar que viva a su máximo potencial durante esta temporada crítica de la historia profética. Si descubre que cada batalla que está peleando se ha vuelto más difícil de conquistar, si está paralizado y no sabe qué camino tomar, recuerde que Dios no lo llama simplemente un sobreviviente. Él le llama un vencedor.-----It is time to tackle the things trying to overrun your life. Do you feel stuck in a mess? Are you wondering how you got to this place and trying to make sense of it all? Don't give up! In Overcoming When You Feel Overwhelmed, pastor and New York Times bestselling author Jentezen Franklin offers five life-giving steps to help you get up, get out and get free, and walk into the destiny God has prepared for you.Jentezen pulls back the curtain on the enemy's tactics to hinder your spiritual growth, distract your attention and keep you from living to your fullest potential during this critical season of prophetic history. If you find that every battle you're fighting has gotten more difficult to conquer--if you are paralyzed and don't know which way to go--remember God doesn't call you just a survivor. He calls you an overcomer. 
Product Specifics
Item ID: 805799
ISBN-10: 164123928X
ISBN-13: 9781641239288
Speedy: 222706
Publication Date: Oct 25, 2022
# of Pages: 256
Format: Trade Paper
Language: ENG

About Jentezen Franklin

Jentezen Franklin is the pastor of Free Chapel in Gainesville, Georgia, a congregation of more than ten thousand. In 2007, Free Chapel added a second location in Irvine, California. Through his experience as a pastor, teacher, musician, and author, Pastor Franklin seeks to help people encounter God through inspired worship and relevant application of the Word of God in their daily lives. His nationally televised program, Kingdom Connection, is seen weekly on prime-time television through various national and international networks. Pastor Franklin is a popular speaker at numerous conferences across the country and around the world. He has also written several books, including Believe That You Can, Fear Fighters, best seller Right People, Right Place, Right Plan, and the New York Times best seller Fasting. Pastor Franklin and his wife, Cherise, reside in Gainesville, Georgia, with their five wonderful children. Jentezen Franklin es el pastor de la iglesia Free Chapel en Gainesville, Georgia, y en el condado Orange en California, Estados Unidos. Franklin es un solicitado conferencista, y su programa de televisi�n Kingdom Connection se transmite por cadenas nacionales e internacionales semanalmente. Ha escrito varios libros, algunos de ellos �xitos de ventas del New York Times, como: Crea que usted puede y Los cazadores del miedo. �l y su esposa, Cherise, tienen cinco hijos.
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