Span-Secrets To Spiritual Power

Product Description

Watchman Nee experimentó una intimidad tan cercana con el Señor que el Espíritu Santo le reveló muchas perspectivas extraordinarias de la vida cristiana triunfante. Ahora esas verdades están a su disposición para que usted pueda tener el mismo tipo de vibrante relación con Dios. Esta colección de las palabras de sabiduría, probadas por el tiempo, de Watchman Nee le inspirarán a...Disfrutar de todo lo que es de usted en CristoSaber con seguridad que es usted salvoVencer la adversidad y el poder de SatanásRecibir guía del Espíritu SantoEncontrar fortaleza diaria para las necesidades diariasVer cobrar vida a las verdades de la BibliaTener fe que mueve montañasSerá usted libre de todo pecado y atadura a medida que descubra no sólo que Cristo es su salvación, sino también que Él es su santificación. De hecho, Cristo será para usted todo lo que necesita: su victoria, su poder, su vida. Dios derramará sus bendiciones sobre usted en Cristo. ¡Hoy puede recibir su poderosa provisión!  Watchman Nee experienced such a close intimacy with the Lord that many remarkable insights into triumphant Christian living were revealed to him by the Holy Spirit. Now these truths are available to you so that you can have the same kind of vibrant relationship with God. This collection of Watchman Nee’s time-tested words of wisdom will inspire you to... Enjoy all that is yours in ChristKnow for sure that you are savedOvercome adversity and Satan’s powerReceive guidance from the Holy SpiritFind daily strength for daily needsSee the truths of the Bible come aliveHave faith that moves mountainsYou will be set free from all sin and bondage as you discover not only that Christ is your salvation, but also that He is your sanctification. In fact, Christ will be to you all that you need—your victory, your power, your life. God will pour out His blessings to you in Christ. You can receive His powerful provision today!  
Product Specifics
Item ID: 404788
ISBN-10: 1603742190
ISBN-13: 9781603742191
Speedy: 772191
Publication Date: Mar 1, 2010
# of Pages: 224
Format: Trade Paper
Language: SPANISH

About Watchman Nee

Watchman Nee was born in China in 1903 and given the name Ni (Nee) Shu-Tsu. At seventeen years of age, he wholeheartedly accepted Christ, and he sought and received the power of the Holy Spirit for ministry in 1922. In 1926, he contracted tuberculosis and was not expected to live. In spite of weakness and a high fever, he wrote his three-volume work The Spiritual Man, which he wanted to leave as a spiritual legacy after he died. However, Nee was miraculously healed by God after several months of illness, and he completed the work in 1928. In 1934, he married his wife, Charity. Having a photographic memory, Nee felt that the Lord was calling him to be a "watchman" for his fellow Christians in China, and so he began to read everything he could about the Christian faith. He was used by God not only to convert many to Christ, but also to plant many local fellowships throughout China and Southeast Asia. He also authored numerous books on the Christian life. Watchman Nee continued faithfully in the service of his Lord until the Communists imprisoned him in 1952, where he was confined until his death in 1972.

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