Span-Smith Wigglesworth On Healing

Product Description

Experimente los milagros de Dios Conozca a una esposa de ministro con solamente un día de vida, una novia que moría de apendicitis, un esposo traicionado que iba camino a matar a su esposa, una mujer que estaba completamente paralizada. Por medio de las palabras y el ministerio de Smith Wigglesworth usted descubrirá lo que ocurrió en sus vidas y lo que puede ocurrir en la suya. Encuentre cómo usted puede…Caminar con salud y llenura divinasVencer el poder del malignoExperimentar el poder de Dios en su vidaObrar los mismos milagros que Cristo obróVer a los “incurables” sanadosGuiar a los perdidos hacia CristoMinistrar con la unción de DiosAquí usted descubrirá cómo puede personalmente recibir el toque sanador de Dios y cómo Dios puede usarlo para llevar sanidad a otros, al igual que lo hizo con Smith Wigglesworth.  El poder transformador de Cristo y Su gracia le cambiarán la vida de ordinaria a extraordinaria.Experience God’s Miracles Meet a minister’s wife with only one day to life, a bride who is dying of appendicitis, a betrayed husband who is on his way to kill his wife, and a woman who is completely paralyzed. Through Smith Wigglesworth’s words and ministry, you will discover what happened in their lives, and what can take place in your own life. Find out how you can…Walk in divine health and wholenessOvercome the power of evilExperience God’s power in your lifeDo the miracles that Christ didSee the “incurable” healedLead the lost to ChristMinister in God’s anointingHere you will discover how you can personally receive God’s healing touch and how God can use you to bring healing to others, just as He did through Smith Wigglesworth. Christ’s transforming power and grace will change your life from ordinary to extraordinary.  
Product Specifics
Item ID: 364801
ISBN-10: 160374021X
ISBN-13: 9781603740210
Speedy: 770210
Publication Date: Dec 6, 2007
# of Pages: 256
Format: Trade Paper
Language: SPANISH

About Smith Wigglesworth

Smith Wigglesworth (1859–1947) was born in England in 1859. Immediately after his conversion as a boy, he had a concern for the salvation of others and won people to Christ, including his mother. He became a plumber by trade, yet he continued to devote himself to winning many people to Christ on an individual basis. In 1882, he married Polly Featherstone, a vivacious young woman who loved God and had a gift of preaching and evangelism. It was she who taught him to read and who became his closest confidant and strongest supporter. They both had compassion for the poor and needy in their community, and they opened a mission, at which Polly preached. Significantly, people were miraculously healed when Wigglesworth prayed for them. In 1907, Wigglesworth's circumstances changed dramatically when, at the age of forty-eight, he was baptized in the Holy Spirit. Suddenly, he had a new power that enabled him to preach, and even his wife was amazed at the transformation. This was the beginning of what became a worldwide evangelistic and healing ministry that reached thousands. He eventually ministered in the United States, Australia, South Africa, and all over Europe. His ministry extended to the time of his death in 1947.

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