Span-Way of the Warrior
An Ancient Path to Inner Peace

Product Description

Erwin McManus, autor de éxito de ventas, pastor, futurista y líder del pensamiento cultural cree que para experimentar y establecer la paz, primero debemos enfrentar las batallas que se desatan dentro de nosotros. Él nos demuestra que la paz no se encuentra por accidente, sino por una intención ingeniosa.El camino del guerrero es un llamado a ser decisivos, a auto examinarnos y a buscar la plenitud espiritual. A través de las antiguas prácticas bíblicas de humildad, enfoque, dominio de sí mismo, claridad, fortaleza y vulnerabilidad, nos guía a una comprensión más profunda de nuestro funcionamiento interior y provee las guías que necesitamos para establecer la paz y la tranquilidad en nuestros hogares, vecindarios, comunidades e inclusive en el mundo. En el estilo de un maestro sazonado por la batalla, McManus nos entrega sabiduría, nos infunde pasión y nos provee los movimientos sagrados necesarios para que te conviertas en el guerrero que fuiste creado para ser. Erwin McManus, best-selling author, pastor, futurist, and cultural thought leader believes that to experience and establish peace, we must first confront the battles that rage within. McManus shows that encountering peace does not occur by accident, but rather by artful intention. Warrior is a call to decisiveness, self-examination, and the pursuit of spiritual wholeness. Through the ancient biblical practices of humility, focus, ownership, clarity, strength, and vulnerability, he guides readers to a deeper understanding of their inner workings and provides the guidance they need to establish peace and tranquility in their homes, neighborhoods, communities, and even the world! In the style of a battle-wizened teacher, McManus delivers wisdom, instills passion, and provides the sacred movements needed to become the warrior you were meant to be.  
Product Specifics
Item ID: 697618
ISBN-10: 1641232579
ISBN-13: 9781641232579
Speedy: 771022
Publication Date: May 7, 2019
# of Pages: 240
Format: Trade Paper
Language: SPANISH

About Erwin Raphael McManus

ERWIN RAPHAEL MCMANUS es un iconoclasta y pionero cultural conocido por su integraci�n de la creatividad y la espiritualidad. Es artista, empresario, l�der del pensamiento cultural, y fundador de MOSAIC, una comunidad de fe en Los Angeles, California. Conocida por su innovaci�n, creatividad y habilidad art�stica, MOSAIC ha sido designada una de las iglesias m�s influyentes e innovadoras de Am�rica. Erwin posee un bachillerato en psicolog�a de UNC en Chapel Hill, una maestr�a en Divinidad de Southwestern Theological Seminary, y un doctorado en Letras y Humanidades de Southeastern University. Es autor de muchos otros libros, entre ellos, El Alma Artesana, Una Fuerza Incontenible, y su �xito de ventas, The Barbarian Way. ERWIN RAPHAEL MCMANUS is an iconoclast and a cultural pioneer known for his integration of creativity and spirituality. He is an artist, entrepreneur, and cultural thought leader who is also the founder of MOSAIC, a community of faith in Los Angeles, California. Known for their innovation, creativity, and artistry, MOSAIC has been named one of the most influential and innovative churches in America. Erwin has a BA in psychology from UNC Chapel Hill, a Masters of Divinity from Southwestern Theological Seminary, and a Doctorate of Humane Letters from Southeastern University. Additionally he is also the author of many other books including Soul Cravings, Chasing Daylight, An Unstoppable Force, and his bestseller, The Barbarian Way.

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