Span-Wire Souls
The Sordid and Dangerous World of Complexes and the Way Out Towards Self-Love

Product Description

Han pasado ocho años y Alex ya ni lo recuerda. Para él solo fueron bromas de patio de colegio, pero no fue lo mismo para Dick... todo se mantiene fresco en su memoria. Para él no fueron bromas, sino una tortura que marcó su vida para siempre. No ha olvidado lo que Alex le hizo, y en especial no le ha olvidado a él. Ahora Dick regresa, pero no ya como el niño indefenso que se encogía asustado en el patio del colegio, sino como un joven que, a fuerza de odiarse, odia a todo el mundo y vive para desquitarse de quienes arruinaron su niñez y su autoestima. Alex y sus amigos planean un divertido día en un circuito de paintball. Pero les acechan las sorpresas más espeluznantes y peligrosas jamás imaginadas. ¿Sobrevivirán o pagarán por lo que hicieron? ------- Eight years have passed and Alex doesn’t even remember. For him, it was only schoolyard jokes, but it wasn’t the same for Dick...everything is still fresh in his memory. For him, it was no joke but torture that marked him for life. He hasn’t forgotten what Alex did to him; he certainly hasn’t forgotten Alex. Now Dick is back, not as the helpless child who cowered in the school courtyard but as a young man who, hating himself, also hates everyone else and lives to get back at those who ruined his childhood and his self-esteem. Alex and his friends are planning a fun day at a paintball course. They never thought that a paintball fight could be dangerous, but with Dick there, it will be. More surprises will keep you on the edge of your seat.  
Product Specifics
Item ID: 734315
ISBN-10: 164123542X
ISBN-13: 9781641235426
Speedy: 771209
Publication Date: May 5, 2020
# of Pages: 224
Format: Trade Paper
Language: ENG

About Jose Luis Navajo

Comenz� a ejercer funciones pastorales a los 17 a�os de edad. En la actualidad forma parte del cuerpo pastoral de la Iglesia Buen Pastor, en Madrid, y compagina esas funciones con un ministerio interdenominacional mediante el cual imparte conferencias y ministra en los �mbitos nacional e internacional. Es profesor en el Seminario B�blico de Fe, y escritor con diecisiete libros publicados por diversos sellos editoriales. Jos� Luis y su esposa, Gene, llevan 34 a�os casados, y tienen dos hijas: Querit y Miriam, y tres nietos: Emma, Ethan y Oliver. Jos� Luis Navajo started serving as pastor when he was seventeen years old. At present he is one of the pastors for Iglesia Buen Pastor in Madrid. Through his interdenominational ministry, he is a worldwide lecturer and preacher. He is professor at the Seminario B�blico de Fe, and a distinguished author who has published seventeen books through several leading publishing houses. Jos� Luis and his wife, Gene, have been married for thirty-four years. They have two daughters: Querit and Miriam; and three grandchildren: Emma, Ethan, and Oliver.
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