The Blood Of Christ

Product Description

Finding the Power to Overcome Sin Now together in one volume, The Power of the Blood of Jesus and The Blood of the Cross take believers step-by-step through Scripture to understand why the blood of Christ has unparalleled power and learn what promises were made to all believers when that blood was shed. Written in Murray's classic devotional style, The Blood of Christ examines both Old and New Testaments to help Christians grasp the truth of redemption--at the time of salvation and on through life as a follower of Christ.
Product Specifics
Item ID: 76938
ISBN-10: 0764224689
ISBN-13: 9780764224683
Speedy: 444689
Publication Date: Jun 15, 2001
Format: Trade Paper
Language: ENG

About Andrew Murray

South African pastor and author Andrew Murray (1828—1917) was an amazingly prolific writer. Murray began writing on the Christian life for his congregation as an extension of his local pastoral work, but he became internationally known for his books, such as With Christ in the School of Prayer and Abide in Christ, that searched men's hearts and brought them into a deep relationship with Christ. Writing with an intensity of purpose and zeal for the message of the gospel, Murray wrote numerous books even after his "retirement" at age seventy-eight.
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